Les Trois Petits Cochons
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:November 8, 2016
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, Expression Engine, PHP, Responsive
- Website:https://3pigs.com/

BCBS of LA: Together Strong
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:April 7, 2016
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, PHP-ActiveRecord, GD Graphics Library, Responsive, Facebook API, HTML5 Video, Savant3

King Cake Snob
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:January 22, 2016
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, PHP-ActiveRecord, Custom Admin Backend, Responsive, Savant3
- Website:https://kingcakesnob.com

Private Forms
- Agency:Personal
- Date:September 1, 2015
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, PHP-ActiveRecord, Custom Admin Backend, Responsive, Stripe API, Nginx, Savant3
- Website:https://privateforms.com

New Orleans Wine & Food Experience
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:March 16, 2015
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, Expression Engine, PHP, SVG, Responsive
- Website:http://nowfe.com

Abita Wrought Iron IPA
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:February 28, 2015
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Expression Engine, PHP, Responsive, Google Maps API, HTML5 Geolocation
- Website:http://abita.com/brands/wrought-iron-ipa

Send To My Cloud
- Agency:Personal
- Date:January 18, 2015
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, Google+ API, PHP-ActiveRecord, Custom Admin Backend, Responsive, Stripe API, Dropbox API, Google Drive API, Nginx, Savant3
- Website:https://SendToMyCloud.com

St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:January 15, 2015
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, Expression Engine, PHP, Twitter API, Responsive
- Website:https://stpso.org

- Agency:Personal
- Date:December 12, 2014
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, Responsive, Apache Cordova, Android
- Website:http://artpacks.org
- Download: Google Play

BCBS of LA: Covered By Blue
- Agency:Innovative Advertising
- Date:March 7, 2014
- Skills:CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, Instagram API, Twitter API, Google+ API, PHP-ActiveRecord, GD Graphics Library, Custom Admin Backend, Responsive, Facebook API
- Website:http://coveredbyblue.net
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